Which Tales' girl are you most like?

Directions: Read the following and check every statement that you strongly agree with. (Sorry you will have to keep track on paper)

_I can get lost in my interests for hours
_I work hard to meet my goals
_I want to contribute to the world.
_Making decisions is not difficult for me.
_Ivalue independence and self reliance.
_It's hard to make decisions.
_I tend to want what others have.
_Often plagued by doubt and fear.
_I feel different from most ponies.
_I often become depressed.
_I'm almost always busy.
_I like things to be organized.
_I avoid dangerous situations.
_I want my friends to seek my advice.
_I'm good at motivating ponies.
_I love excitement and adventure
_I am a risk taker.
_I enjoy life and am a total optimist.
_I am energetis and busy.
_When ponies are unhappy, I try to cheer them up.
_I would rather give then receive.
_I cry easily.
_I stand up for what I believe in.
_My friends think of me as superloyal.
_Friendship is very important to me.
_I am searching for me true self.
_I'm aa attention seeker.
_Idon't like big groups, I would rather be with a few good friends.
_I'm a firm believer in following you dreams.
_I tend to put things off to the last minute, but usually get it done.
_I can be bossy at times.
_Sometimes I am self-absorbed.
_I tend to want what others have.
_I often act a certain way to fit in.
_I love to hang in large groups and be the center of attention.

Scoring: The number of the section in which you checked the most statments corresponds to your number. Scroll down and find out what pony has the same number as you.

1. Brighteyes
2. Clover
3. Starlight
4. Patch
5. Sweetheart
6. Bonbon
7. Melody