
"He's really truly not like that at all. You just don't know him like I do."

"You know I wouldn't think of saying a word either, cause pictures like these are worth a thousand words."

"Oh, gosh, this is really truly unexpected."


"Yeah, if you want something, you got to go get it."

"The thing with girls is, they like you to play hard to get."

"This is cool. I never thought actually I'd use something I learned in school."

"You know, teddy, I think I'm gonna let you spend sometime with Sweetheart. I think she's the kinda girl you can really get to like."

"I probably got an A, and I didn't even study."


"She just needs a little lesson in irresistible charm."

"If you can't trust us who can you trust?"

"And let's check out the boys."

"The fact that one actress doesn't make a play. It takes everyone pitching in, to really make work."


"They don't call me prince charming for nothing."

"I'm the best athlete in school."

"There is no mission too dangerous for your's truly."


"Maybe it's me. Maybe I need to change."

"I don't want everyone to hate me, but Miss Hackney trusted me to help her out."

"Well, I tell you what we can do. Better yet, I'll tell you what we can't do."

"It's usually 2 jangles, but for you one of my best friends. . . .2 jangles."


"Oh, looks like my good luck turned bad."

"Exactly, I'm nothing but a clown, and I'll probably dance like one, and everyone one will laugh at me."

"Oh, I'm so clumsy."


"Boy, I love a practical joke."

"I'm not the princess after all. And I don't have to wear this stuff anymore."

"Boys sure like it tough to like um, don't they."

"How can something so beautiful be dangerous?"

"There's nothing like a good hunt to fire up your day, let's go."


"We have to be fair. We don't want to be acused of being prejudice."

"0h it's business alright, monkey business."

"I wonder who caught whom?"


"I don't understand why I can't just be myself."

"Did you know I have the largest book collection of anyone in the school."

"This isn't right, it's was their idea."


"How can I tell them what I want to be when I grow up. They'd never understand."

"I do have my one little emergency candy bar, for use only in super emergencies."

"What if it's the wrong somebody?"