Thursday night after dinner Sweetheart went up to her room to start on her homework. Her thoughts drifted away from her studies and onto a possible solution how she can get back to her old town. Many possibilities she thought of but none that her parents would agree with. Until......she ran down the stairs.

"Mom, Dad, we have to talk," Sweetheart walked into their new living room. There were still boxes stack high waiting to be unpacked. She sat down on the couch between her parents. They both looked at their sad daughter.

"I hate it here."

"You'll get used to it. It has not even been a week," her dad tried to get her to see the bright side.

"No, I miss my old school, my friends, and especially Teddy. I love you guys but there has to be something we can work out so that we are all happy."

"She is right. This all happened so suddenly," her mom put her arm around her daughter to hug her. Sweetheart put her head against her mom's shoulder.

"But you are only sixteen. You can't live on your own," her dad restated.

"Oh, I don't want to live on my own. I am sure that Starlight's mom will allow me to stay with them. Then you guys can drive back and visit me, " Sweetheart tried her hardest to convince them.

"I hate to let you go, but I know this is what you want, so we have no choice but to allow you to go. We just want to see our daughter happy."

This huge smile came over her face. Her parents had missed seeing that smile. They had not seen it since they left their old house. She gave them a big hug and kisses and then raced up to her room to call Starlight.

"I can take you back on Saturday," her dad yelled up the stairs to her. "This is all very upsetting, but she should be happy. I know she will be happier with her friends." He hugged his wife as she began to cry.

"Hi Starlight!"

"Hey, you seem very happy. What's up? You have been down every time I talk to you."

"Well, your answer may change my mood."

"What is your question," Starlight had a feeling she knew what Sweetheart is going to ask.

"How do you feel about having a roommate?"

"Oh, i would love one. You are asking if you could move in with us? What about your parents? They are never going to let you leave."

"That's what you think. If your mom allows me to live with you, my parents will let me go. Please ask her. I am miserable here. I will pull my own weight doing chores and stuff."

"Hold on and let my ask," Starlight put down the phone and ran to find her mom. Sweetheart bit her lip and that this arrangement would work out.

"Sweetheart, I explained the situation to my mom and she would love to have you stay here. If that is what you want?"

"Yes, definitely," Sweetheart breathed a sigh of relief. She is going back to her old town. "Star, promise me you won't tell anyone, especially Teddy. It could be a surprise."

Teddy sat on the bleachers and watched Ace and the soccer team practice on Saturday afternoon. He is really suppose to be practicing with his team but is too busy moping around. Ace spotted Teddy up in the stands and decided to go talk to him. He is sure the coach wouldn't yell at him for taking a early break.

"Dude, what are you doing up here when you are suppose to be on the field. We have a big game this evening," Ace tried to reprimand Teddy.

"Didn't I make it clear to you that I do not feel like practicing."

"It has barely been a week since Sweetheart has been gone. You have to get on with your life and quit moping. I knew Sweetheart doesn't want you wasting time sulking."

"I know, but......."

"So come on Teddy, let's go.. .. .., " Ace looked and thought he saw Sweetheart walking toward them. He did a double take, and he was right.

"Let's go what?" Teddy questioned as he saw that Ace is speechless. He couldn't help but wonder what had caught his friend's eye. "The cheerleaders were probably practicing, " he thought.

He turned around and saw Sweetheart. "Sweetheart!" His heart skipped a couple beats. He is in such shock to see her. Teddy completely forgot about Ace and ran over to her and hugged and kissed her. It felt so good to hold her again.

"What are you doing here? Oh who cares as long as you are here with me for a day."

"I live here again."

"Sweetheart don't play with me. really what are you doing here?"

"My new home was nice but it is much nicer for me here. After many long talks and arguments, I got my parents to let me stay with Starlight. But the deal is when they are in town, I have to spend time with them and only them."

"I can't believe they let you come back," Teddy hugged her again and she smiled.

Ace approached his friends. "Sweetheart, you came back just in time. We have a huge game this evening and he has not practiced all week."

"Screw practice, we are going out."

"Teddy, you have to go practice. I'll stay and watch you practice, then we can go out," Sweetheart looked at Ace as he smiled. She knew that they needed Teddy to be ready for the game.

part 6