Spinner strolled in and sat in the desk next to her. "So how about getting some ice cream after school?" Bonbon rolled her eyes thinking that this kid is never going to leave her alone.
"I don't think so," Bonbon turned around in her seat.
One of the teachers walked in and sat down at the desk. "Alright no talking for an hour," he announced as he began to grade his own papers. Then after about fifteen minutes, he left the room.
"Why not?" Spinner asked again.
"Look could you just leave me alone," she snapped.
He returned to the room to see a few very bored looking little ponies. He knew they wanted to be there about as much as he did. Who wants to waste a beautiful day stuck in detention? So He decided to let them all go early, as long as they never told anyone about it.
Spinner followed Bonbon as she began her walk home, since she missed the bus, again.
"I know you're behind me,"
"Well, why won't you give me a chance?" Spinner asked walking right next to her.
"It's not that I don't like you it's just, how do I know you're not just joking around. You really want to go on a date?"
"Why would I ask you if I didn't want to get to know you better," Bonbon smiled at him and blushed. "Besides you made the best strawberry shortcake in the whole class, and that's my favorite dessert."
"I kinda figured that, cause you took more then one taste of my dessert," laughed Bonbon, "Hey want to come over. I was thinking about making some sugar cookies for my little sister and brothers."
"I'd love to come over and help," The two ponies continued their walk until they arrived at her house. As Bonbon entered through the door, Amber and Twink were right there ready to give her a hug. Her mom entered soon after with her baby brother in her arms.
"Where have you been?"
"In detention. Oh, mom I had the worst day of my life today."
"Well it couldn't have been that bad, honey. Who's your friend?" Her mom smiled as she noticed Bonbon brought a boy home.
"This is Spinner," Bonbon introduced him to everyone. For once he was quiet. Amber and Twink ran over to Spinner and hugged him. Before he knew it they dragged him off to show him their toys.
Bonbon smiled at her mother, "This has been the best and worst day of my life. Is that possible?"
"My dear, anything is possible."