"What's that noise?" Teddy looked worried.
"Noise?" Buddy didn't want to admit his truck wasn't in the best of shape.
The noise began to grow louder. The boys began to worry just a little as to what was wrong with the truck. Then smoke began pouring out of the hood.
"What do we do?"
"Pull over! Quick, where's your cell phone?" Teddy frantically searched through the glove box.
"Dude, don't have one."
"What!?!? How can you take long drives in this piece of junk and not have a cell phone?"
"Do you have one? Besides, this is my first long drive."
"Do you have a jangle so we can call for some help?"
"No, I spent all my jangles last night at the movies."
"What are we going to do?" Teddy started to bang his head against the dash board.
"You have an odd why of thinking. Doesn't that hurt?"
"Not as much as I'm going to hurt you," Teddy glared at Buddy.
"Don't get all pissed at me. You don't have a cell or jangles either," Teddy realized that Buddy was right.
"We're so screwed. I need some air," Teddy got out and jumped in the bed of the truck.
"Ace, are you here?" Sweetheart called when she entered the weight room.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Ace put down the barbell on the ground.
"I'm looking for Teddy. It's weird, he always calls me when he gets home. Mel said he skipped their last class. Do you know what he's up to?"
"I haven't to him all day. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Buddy either. And they both skipped practice. Have you checked with Patch? She might know."
"No, but I'll find her. Thanks Ace," Sweetheart left so Ace could get back to his workout.
"I wonder what those two are up to?" She thought to herself.
Buddy soon joined Teddy in the back of the truck. They sat on opposite sides and the boys were silent. In between watching the cars race by, they would periodically glance over at one another, neither of them knowing what to say.
"So, why didn't you ask Chase to go on this adventure with you?" Teddy finally broke the silence, "he is your best friend."
"I couldn't find him. So I asked you. Was it wrong of me to do that?"
"No, but do you realize we didn't tell anyone we were leaving. They're probably worried sick about us," Teddy moved a little closer to Buddy's side.
"Don't you mean Sweetheart is worried sick. . .about you. No one cares I'm gone."
Teddy froze. He knew his next words would have to be important in order to make an impact on Buddy. But he didn't get the chance to say them. A brand new white mustang pulled over behind the truck. Both boys were surprised someone had actually stopped after sitting there for over an hour. But they were even more surprised to see two girls get out of the car.
The girls appeared to be older. One had yellow hair, dark purple body, and lilacs as a symbol. The other was light pink with foam green hair and an angelfish as her symbol.
"Hi boys, I'm lilac and this is Marina," said the purple stranger. They introduced themselves because the boys appeared to be younger and harmless, "You boys don't have any weapons do you?"
"The only weapon we have is the one down our. . ."
"Buddy!" Teddy interrupted knowing what Buddy was referring to.
"Nice car," Buddy hopped out of the bed of the truck, "you girls don't happen to have a cell phone do you?"
"Sure do," Marina whipped her cell phone out of her purse, "you get one call."
Teddy spotted it and leaped out of the truck, grabbing the phone before Buddy. Teddy then turned and began walking to the front of the truck. Marina quietly followed.
"Please be home, please be home," repeated Teddy as he dialled Sweetheart's number, "damn machine."
"Hi, you've reached Sweetheart. I'm really truly sorry I'm not home to take your call, but I promise to call you back."
"Sweetheart, it's Teddy. I'll explain everything in great detail later. I'm with Buddy, please call me back at, what's the number to this phone?"
"759-4012," said Marina into the phone.
"Yeah, call me at that number, I love you bye," Teddy hung up the phone and handed it back to her.
"Who did you call?" asked Buddy.
Sweetheart, but she wasn't home."
"You wasted our one phone call and left a message. You idiot. Can we use the phone again, please?" begged Buddy.
"Sorry you only get one call," Marina opened the door to the mustang, "want a ride."
"Yeah come on, we'll show you how to have some real fun."
"I say we go," Buddy turned to Teddy, hoping he would agree.
"What, are you crazy?"
"Unless you boys like hanging out on the side of the road," Lilac opened her door.
"They'll let us use that phone again, then we'll call someone with money."
"Lancer!" They both said simultaneously.
"Coming?" Lilac asked again.