"Why?" asked Patch.
"She is really jealous of Morgan, since her dad has been spending all his time with her," Starlight explained.
"Let me see if I got this straight. She thinks her dad is lonely. She goes to all this trouble to find the right girl to set him up with. Everything goes according to her plan and now she's upset about it," Starlight nodded at Ace, who had reiterated the whole situation perfectly. Patch and Buddy looked at each other then at Ace and Starlight.
"How does she plan on breaking them up?" Buddy asked curiously.
"I'm not exactly sure. . ." Starlight stopped as she noticed Brighteyes and Lancer approaching the table. Brighteyes handed a couple papers to Starlight.
"What's this?"
"My new plan," Brighteyes sat down next to Buddy who slyly smiled at her. She grinned back at him.
"Morgan has a criminal record. Once my dad hears about this he'll drop her."
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Brighteyes looked at Lancer who stood at the head of the table. "Morgan is a very nice pony."
"Who's side are you on?" questioned Brighteyes as she grabbed her papers from Ace. She glared at Lancer before heading out the door. Lancer looked at his friends starring at him.
"Lance, do me a favor and go after her. She's about to do something she's going to regret," Lancer took Ace's advise and ran out after her.
"Dad, dad," she called as she bursts through the side door. She saw her father finishing washing the dishes. Lancer trotted in right after her.
"Dad, I have something you might want to see."
"Hi Brighteyes," said Morgan.
"Don't talk to me you, you,"
"Brighteyes, that is no way to talk to company," her father scolded.
"Dad, look at this. She has a criminal record. She lied to you." Brighteyes handed her dad the papers and awaited a reaction. Morgan looked shocked at what she had just heard. Lancer put his hoof on his forehead and shook his head.
"Honey, this isn't a criminal record, it's a couple unpaid parking tickets," her dad put his arm around her. Brighteyes quickly ran out of the room in tears and once again Lancer followed her.
Brighteyes plopped down on the couch and continued to cry, "How could I have been so stupid, Lancer?"
Lancer sat and listened to her. Then her father walked in and sat down next to her. He looked at the two of them.
"I thought I was losing you."
"Oh, I remember when you two started dating. I thought I'd never see my daughter again," he laughed, "I see her for a few lousy minutes in the morning. And then the dreaded words, 'I'm going over Lancer's after school. I'm going on a date with Lancer.' I knew that you wanted to spend a lot of time with him cause you just started dating and are in love." Lancer blushed and held onto Brighteyes's hoof.
Brighteyes looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"It's not your fault at all. You were listening to your heart." Morgan walked in and put her arms around his neck to hug him.
"I'm so sorry Morgan. I usually don't act this bratty. Could we please start over?"
"Of course we can," Morgan gave her a hug.
"And honey, I promise I will spend as much time with you as you want. Hey, how about we all go out for some dinner. It could be like a double date?"
Lancer smiled at Brighteyes, "We would love to."