"Well, what did she want?" Melody crossed her arms and starred at him.
"I'm not exactly sure what she wanted, but she wanted to get together and talk."
"Talk, about what? Getting back together. Are you thinking of getting back with her?" Melody held back the tears cause the last thing she wanted was to lose Chase. She is in love with him.
"After she broke up with me all I prayed about was for her to take me back. Then I met you and I thought I was over her. Now that she called me, I'm not sure what I feel."
"What are you asking me, for permission to get together with her? Cause you know that I don't want you to. But I can't stop you right? You can do whatever you want."
"I think that I need to."
Melody jolted the chair back and ran to the bathroom. She looked at Sweetheart and Starlight, who were fixing their manes in the mirror.
"Melody, what's wrong?" Starlight asked as she noticed how upset Melody was as she ran into the first stall and slammed the door.
"It's about Chase, isn't Mel?"
"Yes, he's ex called him and wants to get together. How did you know it was about him?"
"Well, I figured weren't crying cause you failed your algebra test," laughed Sweetheart.
Melody opened the stall door and sat down on the bench. Starlight sat next to her.
"Melody, sometimes you have to let go of a pony to see if theirs something there to hold onto."
"But I'm afraid of losing him."
Skylar called Chase Friday evening and they decided to go out to dinner. Nothing fancy, just a nice dinner so they can talk. Chase picked her up in his mom's car. He was quiet most of the way to the restaurant.
"So Chase, how have you been," Skylar batted her eyelashes at him.
"At first I was miserable when you left me. But lately I've been great. I have a wonderful girlfriend. Why, how have you been?" They were stopped at a traffic light.
"The truth is, I want to get back together with you," Skylar leaned in and kissed him. He totally didn't expect that, but to his surprise he felt nothing for her when she kissed. He knew then and there that Melody was the pony he loved.
"Why did you break up with me then? You don't even know what I went through. You were my first love."
"It was nothing personal, I meet this other pony who was so hot and interested in me so what do you say?" The light had turned green but Chase hadn't moved the car. They heard ponies honking and yelling. Chase then turned onto a side street.
"Oh really that was the real reason, huh. So you lied to me. Now I can plainly see what kind of pony you really are. You know that I have someone in my life who I really care about and you're trying to break us up." Chase turned the car around.
"I thought we were going to dinner?" Skylar asked.
"I'm taking you home and doing what I should have done in the first place. I sure hope she is not too angry at me."