"Come on jump already," She began to bang on the front of the machine.
"Why the long face, Clov?" Bonbon had watched her take her aggressions out on the helpless vending machine. It could be intuition or something, but she could tell something was on her mind.
"Nothing, why do you ask?" Clover reached down and pulled out the candy bar that finally fell.
"Well, normal ponies don't just go around beating on the helpless vending machines. So what's on your mind? Wait a minute, don't tell me there is mystery meat for lunch in the cafeteria? Oh man, I was going to buy my lunch today," Bonbon sighed.
"Bonbon, get a hold of yourself. There's no mystery meat today, it's cheeseburgers."
"Oh, thank goodness," Bonbon leaned against the vending machine, "Now really, what the heck's your problem today?" She wondered. Clover wasn't the happiest little pony in the world. Most of the time she was rather depressed. But she always looked forward to lunch.
"It has been so boring lately, you know. Nothing exciting has happened in such a long time. I mean there hasn't been a party, no one is fighting with their boyfriends, everything is too... perfect."
"And you have a problem with this? Why???" Bonbon was confused. She didn't like the fact that Clover was talking crazy.
"It's just too boring, there's no excitement. The days drag on when there is no excitement," Clover tried her best to explain to Bonbon her reasoning, in between eating her twix bar. "Well, I'm going to add some spice to these boring days."
"Exactly how do you plan on doing this?" Bonbon curiously asked?
"That's for me to know and you to find out," Clover grinned as she headed to her next class. Bonbon shook her head and watched Clover walk away, before she decided to get some lunch.