"Nothing much, but can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"What are you doing in the library, on a Saturday? I thought you were allergic to the library, books, and schoolwork in general." Lancer had never seen Teddy freely walk into the library before. Maybe he's sick, or has lost his memory and forgot where he was.
"No dude, I actually was looking for you," Lancer dropped his pen and almost fell off his chair after hearing what Teddy had just said.
"Now I know you're sick. All you have ever done was make fun of me. Okay, what do you want?" Lancer continued to look through his history book and write down notes.
"Did you do the math homework?" Teddy scratched his head.
"I knew it had to be something you forgot to do. Why didn't Ace let you copy his work?"
"I'm kidding, geez, are you tense. No really, I have to talk to you. Sweetheart and I have been arguing a lot lately. Ever since we played charades at your house like three weeks ago. I wondered if you could help me out," Teddy sat down and looked at the stack of books Lancer had in front of him. "Damn, you poor boy, don't you have a life."
"Maybe you two aren't compatible with each other. I mean you are almost exact opposites," Lancer shut his book, "and I do have a life, I plan on getting a full scholarship to the college of my choice. I'm planning my future."
"What do you mean not compatible?"
"Not right for each, which I would hate that to be true, cause you two are good together. You get in trouble and she is there to bail you out."
"Ha ha ha, you're so funny,"
"Seriously, I found a compatibility test online. Each pony takes their part of the test, you send it in and get the results about a week later."
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know Sweetheart better then I know myself."
"Really, care to test it?"
"Yeah, let's do your little compatibility test, I'll gather up the gang. We'll all take this test. Meet you at your house at 3:00." Teddy walked off.
"Are you guys ready to hear the results of the test?" Lancer had the results and was eager to tell his friends who was right together and who didn't belong together. The gang was nervous as they all sat in the Ice Cream Shoppe silently and waited for Lancer to begin.
"Okay according to this Clover and Dandy are totally wrong for each other." Lancer read as Clover gulped and looked at Dandy.
"What about me and Sweetheart?"
"You two, make those two look like Romeo and Juliet."
"Maybe we really aren't good together anymore," Sweetheart began to cry and she got up and ran off to the bathroom with Brighteyes right behind her. Teddy just watched her leave and didn't say anything.
"Patch and Buddy are perfect together. While, Ace and Starlight could do better. Melody and Chase, there's sparks now, but they will be fading sooner then you think."
"Give me that," Ace grabbed the results from Lancer, "it really does say that."
"I'm not a liar," protested Lancer.
"Sweetheart, it is just a stupid little online quiz. It doesn't mean anything." Brighteyes stood outside the bathroom stall, where Sweetheart was.
"I know, but we have been fighting a lot lately, over, over dumb stuff," Sweetheart said between sniffles.
I have a great idea, come with me," Brighteyes, lead Sweetheart out of the bathroom and back to the table where their friends were at. When they got there, fights were breaking out among the couples who had just heard the results.
"Guys, quit fighting, I have an idea. You know that game show, about how well you know your partner, how about if we do something like that. Then you can find out what you really know about each other. Instead of who is compatible and who's not? Plus you may even get to know each other better and find out things you didn't even know. I mean relationships are about finding out new things, right?" Brighteyes happily suggested to her feuding friends.
"Brighteyes is right, how about at my house on Saturday, we have this little game show," suggested Lancer, "Since I kinda feel responsible for all of this."
"It's not your fault, it's this dumb test."
"Lancer and I will make up the whole thing, all you guys and girls have to do is show up," The gang all looked around at each other, then they all hesitantly agreed.