"Oops, sorry," Sweetheart blushed and put both hooves back on the steering wheel, and gave the car more gas.
"Ummm, you just ran that stop sign,"
She slammed on the breaks, and the two off them jolted forward.
"Thank goodness for seat belts," commented Spinner, "how about we go to the parking lot and once you master the basics, we'll go back out on the road?"
"I can live with that," they both switched seats and Spinner got out looking at his dangling side mirror and scratches and dents on the passenger door. "What has she down to my car?" he thought. He drove them to the Happy Hoof market shopping center parking lot. It was nice and big, and no cars around, so she wouldn't be able to hit anything.
Spinner reviewed the basics with her and let her drive around again in the parking lot. She drove for two hours, practicing turning corners, backing up and pulling into parking spots. Also how to accelerate and break smoothly.
"Hi Sweetheart," Teddy called her that evening, "so how was the first driving lesson?"
"Oh, the driving lesson, it went pretty well,"
"Do you want to hang out after school tomorrow?" Teddy innocently asked her.
"Oh, I can't. Spinner and I are going to practice driving after school for the rest to the week, sorry. I have to go now, I love you, bye."
"Love you, too," Teddy hung up the phone, lying back down on his bed. "Why didn't I just take her out myself. Now she is spending all her time with Spinner. I'm not going to see her until the weekend, this bites. I better keep my eye on them."
After spending a couple days practicing in the parking lot, Spinner decided it was time for her to try driving with the flow of traffic again, well the side streets anyway.
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be," Sweetheart fastened her seat belt, adjusted the mirrors, and looked both ways before pulling out.
"Sweetheart, you did awesome, and you didn't even hit anything," Spinner congratulated her on her first time out without hitting anything.
She smiled excitedly and leaned over to hug him. Then she let go and their eyes met. Sweetheart quickly shook it off, "Um, thank you for taking me out driving, I really appreciate it," she starred at the steering wheel.
"Spinner looked at the floor, "It's no problem at all, I'm happy to help out my friends."
"Could I maybe treat you to an ice cream sundae? You know as a thank you?"
"Only if you insist," Spinner smiled and decided to let her drive to the Ice Cream Shoppe.
"Do you see what I see, Mel?" Patch noticed Spinner and Sweetheart enter together. "Teddy isn't going to like this at all."
"I know they look like they're getting pretty close," Melody added.
"Who is??"
"Teddy!!! A what are you doing here??" Patch nervously looked around. Does he know they're over there?
Teddy sat down next to Melody, "So, what's going on over there?"
"Over where?"
"Oh, Mel, you're so cute when you play stupid, really I'm fi.." Teddy saw Spinner kiss Sweetheart's hoof. "That's it, he messed with the wrong pony."