"I had the weirdest dream last night," Patch blurted out.
"What was it about. . .soccer?" asked Melody sarcastically, knowing that soccer is one of the only topics Patch liked to talk about ever since they were young.
"How did you know?" Patch scratched her head and then proceeded to tell the girls about her dream. "Any ways, it's the biggest game of the year, Regionals. Well Buddy, Ace, and Chase forgot how to play soccer and it cost us the game. The final score was 36-1. The goal was accidentally scored by Buddy as he slid into the goal and took out the goalie."
"Could you imagine if that actually happened? Ace would be devastated," Starlight commented. "Funny, I had a crazy dream, too. Ace took me on the Jerry Springer show to confess he'd been cheating on me with you, Melody. But then I confessed to him I'd been cheating on him with Chase. Weird, huh."
"Hey dreams have meanings. Starlight do you have a crush on my Chase?" questioned Melody .
"As a friend, silly, what do you think I'm going to steal your boyfriend? That's absurd. How long did it take me to hook up with Ace?"
"Ironic how Ace would cheat on you with Melody isn't it? He has always had a crush on her," Patch tried to irate Starlight, who short her the evil eye.
"Okay, okay, settle down, I didn't mean anything by it," apologized Patch after Starlight freaked out.
"Since we're on the dream subject," Clover leaned in, "I had a dream Dandy was a rock star like Chain Link."
"Dandy, Chain Link, I don't ever see that happening," stated Melody as she tried to hold in her laughter.
"Why not?" asked Clover. Her questioned threw off Melody who assumed Clover knew the answer already.
"He's so shy and sweet. He's just not rock star material," explained Melody.
"Oh and I suppose you are?" joked Patch.
"Ha ha ha, very funny. You'll see," Melody smiled slyly.
Just then Dandy and Spinner burst through the doors of the Ice Cream Shoppe. Dandy was dressed as a rock star. Clover's jaw dropped to the floor. Melody burst into laughter along with some of the other ponies watching.
Dandy casually strolled up to Clover, stood and starred at her. She was speechless, she didn't have a clue what to do or say.
Dandy's mane was spiked up with green tips. He had a spiked dog collar and an electric guitar around his neck.
"Cute outfit, Dandy," laughed Melody.
"But how did you know about the dream?" Clover stopped and thought for a moment, "You read my journal didn't you?"
"Busted," Patch whispered to Bonbon, who giggled.
"Well, I," Dandy glanced at Spinner, who shrugged. "I did." Dandy figured he'd better fess up now, before he got himself into anymore trouble with her."
"Oh, okay."
"I thought you'd be angry with me?" He dropped the guitar, which, he forgot was strapped to him. Then he tripped over it as he walked over to the table landing on the floor in front of Clover.
"I had this all planned," smiled Clover, looking down at him.
"What are you talking about?" Dandy was more confused then ever. He sat down in the booth next to her.
"I hid your algebra book. So you'd have to go in my book bag and spot my journal. Then, well, you'd have to read it."
Dandy hung his head, "But I invaded your privacy, and I feel awful."
"But I wanted you to read that. Cause I wanted to see you like this in real life, not just in my daydream," Clover kissed him on the cheek. "So you gonna play a song for me?"
"What, no, I can't. It's not a real guitar," Dandy set it down on the floor and joined the girls at the table.
"Dandy, I think I like you better as yourself," Clover smiled.
"Thank goodness, because I don't think I can pull this look off," all the girls laughed in agreement.