Sweetheart awoke to the sun blaring in her eyes. She squinted to see her clock that read 9:17. She sighed and rolled back over. Then out of nowhere she heard a loud bang. Sweetheart jumped out of her skin.
"Oh, my mom must be making breakfast," she thought with a smile as she started to smell the aroma of bacon in the air. "I think it is time to get up."
She sat up on her bed and stretched, slipped on her slippers and headed downstairs.
Her dad was already sitting at the kitchen table. "Good morning Daddy," Sweetheart kissed his check.
"Hi Sweetheart."
She pulled up a chair and joined her father at the table. "Smells wonderful mom, is it ready, yet?" The wonderful smell of bacon and eggs had filled the kitchen and now Sweetheart was starving.
Her mom made up their plates and sat down beside Sweetheart to eat with them.
There was not much talking during breakfast. Sweetheart noticed it as a little out of the ordinary, but just simply enjoyed the quiet. There is not too much of it once the triplets are up. Sweetheart wiped her mouth "may I be excused?"
"Hold on honey, we have to tell you something.""What dad?"
"I got transferred."
"Really, where?" Sweetheart figured he got transferred somewhere around here.
"To Palisade Park."
"Palisade Park, but that is like 4 hours away from here."
"I know, we are going to have to move."
"Move," her heart dropped down to her stomach. "away from Teddy, all my friends, and my school."
"I have to take this transfer. It would mean more money, a much nicer city to live in, and nicer house. Not to make matters worse, but we have to move in two weeks."
"No," Sweetheart shock her head. "I do not want to go."
"I am very sorry Sweetheart, but you have to come with us. You are only sixteen years old and have no job. There is no way in hell I am letting you stay here alone."
"This is not fair," Sweetheart run up stairs, slapped her door and fell onto her soft bed. Tears began to run down her cheeks. "What if going to happen between Teddy and I? I hardly ever see my friends as it is. I am going to have to start all over at a new school. Is this a dream? Maybe it is. Oh I hope it is, but no it is not."
She lifted her head off of her wet pillow. "I am going to have to tell Teddy sooner or later. I might-as-well get this over with now."
"Palisade Park!"
Sweetheart nodded. She could see the look of fear in his eyes.
"That is frickin 4 hours away."
"I know."
"So what are you saying. Are we breaking up? You know that long distance crap doesn't work."
"Hell no. We are not breaking up. Things are just going to be a little different."
Teddy's eyes got big. He had never heard Sweetheart swear before in his life.
"We have to talk about this now. You can not pretend that I am not going to be moving."
"Why now?"
"Cause I am leaving in two weeks."
"Two weeks!"
"Do you have to shout," Sweetheart covered her ears.
"We can write letters and call each other everyday. We could possible work out something where we could get together every weekend."
"Sweetheart, you live in a dream world. Why don't you come back down to reality? This is never going to work."
"Well of course if you have a negative attitude it won't work."
"Okay Sweets, I'll give it to ya straight," Teddy sat down beside her on his front porch.
"My car, let's face it, is a piece of shit. I'll be lucky if it makes it out there twice. I can not really afford the high gas prices. Plus I am trying to save money to get my own place cause you know that I hate living in this house."
Teddy put his arm around Sweetheart and she began to cry. He leaned his head on hers and he could feel the tears stream down his face. He quickly wiped them away.
"Are you crying?"
"Me, uh no," Teddy shock his head. He did not want her to see that. It is for her own good.
Pretty soon, everyone at school caught wind of Sweetheart's leaving. "We should throw her a "goodbye, we'll miss you" party," Brighteyes suggested as she stood next to Starlight's locker and waited for her to gather up her books for her history class.
"What a fabulous idea. I'll see if my mother will let us use the Ice Cream Shoppe after hours for the party." Starlight grabbed her history notebook and close her locker. "We'll make it a surprise."
"That is perfect. Time is running out, she leaves in a week and a half so we better get cracking," Brighteyes walked with Starlight to her history class and then headed of to her algebra class.
Sweetheart sealed up another box of her stuff from her room. She couldn't bare to pack up everything after all she still had one last night in her room. She couldn't pack any of the stuffties that Teddy had bought her. She stood up and looked around the bare room. A tear ran down her cheek, for she knew how much she would miss it here. Then she laid down on her bed thinking of all the great memories she had had with her friends and especially Teddy. She was right in the middle of a daydream of her and Teddy's first date. The romantic picnic in the park where she knew that her and Teddy would be together forever. Then the phone rang and she jumped a mile, "hello."
"Hey Sweetheart, I know this is kinda late being 9:00, but could you come down to the Ice Cream Shoppe with me?" Clover asked her trying not to give the surprise away.
"But Clover the Ice Cream Shoppe closes at 9:00," Sweetheart could tell something funky was going on. She knew it by Clover's voice.
"Ah, um, could you come any ways, I want to make sure it really closes at 9:00," Clover hit herself in her head with her hoof. She knew sweetheart was not buying this lie. So she had to think fast.
"I'll pick you up in a few minutes. Be ready." Clover hung up the phone.
"Bye," Sweetheart hung up the phone and thought about what had just happened. "Well this is Clover, she didn't have time to analyze what was going on in her friend's head."
Sweetheart ran a brush through her soft pink hair and touched up her mascara. She took one last look in the mirror and ran down the stairs. She informed her parents that she would be out for a few hours and walked out her front door.
She just got out of her house as Clover pulled into the driveway. The headlights were blinding Sweetheart as she put up her hoof to block the light. She got into Clover's shiny black car.
"So, what's up?"
"I can not tell you, but I promise you this, you are going to love it."
Within five minutes the two ponies arrived at the Ice Cream Shoppe. All the lights were off inside. Sweetheart assumed Clover is just loosing her mind and they were going to leave.
"Clover, I told you it closed at 9:00."
Clover proceeded to turn off the car and open her car door and she got out. Sweetheart sat there puzzled. She was so clueless as to what is going on.
She watched as Clover approached the door where they have went countless times to enjoy their favorite frozen treats. She motion to Sweetheart to come and join her at the door. Sweetheart looked at her friend and then unbuckled her seatbelt. She emerged from the car and joined Clover at the doors of the Ice Cream Shoppe.
Inside the doors all of Sweetheart's friends were waiting for her. Starlight saw the silhouettes of the two ponies in the window of the door. She then signaled Ace and Lancer and they opened the doors and Starlight flipped on the lights.
Sweetheart's jaw dropped as she looked around at all of her friends. There is a banner that hung across the room that read "We'll Miss You Sweetheart!". Bonbon had baked a cake and decorated it with hearts, flowers, and butterflies. Some of them brought going away presents. There were beautiful vases of wild flowers on the tables and there is even an open floor space for dancing. Sweetheart was just in awe to see just how special she was to all her firends. Melody flipped on the cd player and Teddy and Sweetheart's song "Still" by 98 Degrees came on. Then Teddy appeared in front of Sweetheart, "May I have this dance?" He reached out his hoof to hers.
Teddy and Sweetheart turned and smiled as Lancer snapped a picture of them.
"Lancer, I want doubles of all the pictures you take tonight," Said Sweetheart as Teddy led her onto the dance floor.
The two young ponies began to slow dance to their song. Teddy held her so close. He did not want to face the fact that she would be leaving tomorrow. "I am going to miss not seeing you everyday," he whispered in her ear.
"Ssshhh, Teddy, let's not talk about and just enjoy this wonderful night." Sweetheart laid her head on his shoulder.
Melody grabbed Chase's arm and pulled him onto the dance floor and pretty soon everyone was dancing with their loved one.
Before the ponies knew it, it was midnight. Sweetheart turned to Starlight, "you are awesome, thank you so much. I am really truly never ever going forget this night. It is like a dream. Too bad I will have to wake up to the reality of leaving in the morning."
Starlight hugged her life long friend, "Anything for my best friend."
"Yeah, we are really going to miss your smiling face," Ace added as he approached the girls. "Especially him," Ace pointed to Teddy who is across the room getting some punch and talking to Spinner and Chase.
"I know. He is handling this worse then I am. Can you guys promise to take care of him?"
"We will definitely do our best," Ace assured her.