"Didn't you do the homework," asked Brighteyes, "It was so easy."
"Easy for you to say," Bonbon raised her hoof, "Mrs. Jones, I think my little brother ate it."
"Bonbon, you and I both know that your little brother really didn't eat it. Where is it?"
"I did do it. I must have forgot it on the kitchen table," sighed Bonbon.
"Well, since you don't have, you can turn it in tomorrow and get half credit," Bonbon sighed again making a note to remember to bring her homework in tomorrow.
Fourth period class rolled around, the last class of the day. Bonbon made it a point to get to her home economics class on time. Home ec is her favorite class, next to lunch.
Mrs. Cherrycake informed the class that they would be broken into groups and baking a dessert. Everyone will get to taste what the other groups made. Bonbon's group decided to make a strawberry shortcake.
"I see you have detention, too?" Spinner turned to Bonbon as he noticed her detention slip sticking out of her book. Spinner is a light brown pony with dark brown hair.
"Yeah, I was late to second period a number of times. How about you?"
"I got one for talking too much," laughed Spinner, "Hey you know what happened yesterday during my second period class. . ." Bonbon turned her head and tried to just ignore him, but he kept right on talking. It felt like an eternity before their teacher gave them the okay to begin baking.
After everyone was finished baking their dessert, they began tasting all the different desserts.
"This is the best damn strawberry shortcake I've ever tasted," Spinner liked his lips.
"Why, thank you," Bonbon smiled.
"How want to go get a bite to eat after school?"
"Are you asking me out?" Bonbon nervously asked. She had never really been asked out on a date before. Sure there were those couple times when she was younger, but you can't call that dating.
"Um, maybe," with that the bell rang which indicated that the school day was over. But not for Bonbon, she had a detention to serve.