"Could you believe those two? They act like they have never seen a girl before," Starlight sat at the Ice Cream Shoppe with Sweetheart, Melody, Brighteyes, Bonbon, and Chase. Starlight filled them in on the earlier happenings of the day.
"Starlight, it is their nature to look at the opposite sex. They can't help it," Brighteyes sipped her vanilla milkshake.
"And any ways, look who you are talking about. I mean Ace is cocky and really conceited, and don't even get me started on Teddy." Melody crossed her and leaned on the table. Sweetheart glared at Melody for her un called for comment.
"Look who is talking, Mel. You are just as conceited as Ace, maybe even a little more," Starlight said in defense of her boyfriend.
Chase just sat and listen to the girls bicker with each other. Then Teddy ran up to their table, "Come on Chase, we are going to moon the crossing guard." Chase and Teddy both ran out the door and passed Clover and Patch on the way in.
"Like your boyfriend is any better," Melody stuck her tongue out at Starlight.
"So why are those two in such a hurry to get out of here?" Patch sat down beside Bonbon.
"They are going to do something really important....moon the crossing guard," said Bonbon as her and Clover started to laugh.
"Okay, so what are you guys talking about?" Patch rolled her eyes as she thought of the boys mooning the crossing guard. She started to laugh as she thought about it.
"We were boy bashing, again," smiled Bonbon.
"Great, I love this part of day," Patch thought back on all the stupid things that the boys have down since they had last had this talk. There were so many, she had to find the best one.
"How come they can be so sweet when it is one on one, but the minute another pony enters the picture, it's like you never existed," questioned Sweetheart.
"Well, that's easy. They don't want to be mushy in front of their friends. Boys are afraid to let their soft side show. They need to keep up their tough reputation," explained Brighteyes, "or at least that's what I think."
"That sounds about right to me," Patch agreed with Brighteyes as she grabbed some of Bonbon's french fries.
"Hey, you know I need those fries."
"Bonbon, believe me, you don't need anymore food," laughed Patch. She knew Bonbon couldn't go a couple hours without eating.
"Chase and I were walking through the mall the other day and he checked out every girl that passed us," Melody commented.
"Yeah, Mel, like you don't check out the guys that pass. How do you know he just wasn't window shopping?" Clover knew how Melody had a knack for trying to find the hottest guys.
"Well, I don't make it obvious."
"My ass, you do. You do a complete turn-around," laughed Patch.
"I thought we were bashing guys not bashing Melody," Sweetheart didn't want a fight to breakout. Sweetheart stepped away from the table and looked out the doors for Teddy and Chase. She didn't see them. "Now what kind of chaos are they causing," she thought.
"Hey, Sweetheart, we're going to go shoot a little pool," Teddy and Chase ran past her to catch up with Ace and Spinner.
"Can I come?" Sweetheart asked.
"You girls don't know anything about shooting pool or any of that competitive stuff for that matter," Ace said.
Sweetheart glared at the boys as the ran off to the pool hall.